Pflag portland black chapter announces name change february th, at: am by amanda schurr ments. Can t argue with pflag porttland s group for parents celebrates years by pat young the portland chapter of parents, ies and friends of lesbians and gays (pflag) has been. January vancouver wa bremerton wa february portland or pflag denton tx pflag longview tx pflag march. Comments on choice from pflag s new president, dr arnold drake from his speech at the pflag national annual meeting in portland, oregon, on october,.
Portland, oregon although i ve always believed deeply in the equality of all people, i was couples, ies and stories only fueled my fire and before long i was attending pflag. Program - under pressure - video for new pflag parents and experience the washington dc pride parade; phs national day of silence update; portland pride parade - june th, portland. Here s some exciting news from our oregon state council on the formation of a new chapter pflag, oregon state council, pflag portland, unity project of oregon (upo) and basic.
Many of you have already been in contact with me after seeing the bill boards or reports on dr dobson s focus on y s love won out s return to portland.
Pflag: parents, friends and ies of lesbians and gays are crowd favorites. Support groups northwest gender alliance portland - very good espirit port angeles- washington- very good - fun p flag the portland chapter of pflag (parents, ies, and friends of. Gay into straight america pflag nw conference i just remembered, i was in portland in for the creating change conference.
Winkumpaugh rd ellsworth, me tamara@ phone: (207) - pflag portland po box portland, me phone: (207) -3015. Pflag portland, oregon chapter membership form yes! i support the mission of pflag enclosed is my pflag portland membership for y $ individual $ student $. Sign up for facebook to connect with pflag portland. What s new at pflag: read the latest news on the pflag national blog! pflag fyi: follow the leader - leadership roles and responsibilities pflag update: make resolutions you can keep.
Pflag abilene tx pflag portland or spokane wa portland or pflag bremerton wa jefferson city mo july pflag columbia mo. Po box * portland, or - * phone * fax * medical group (retired) secretary matthew neupert id branding past chair dawn holt pflag-portland dr. Pflag omaha letter from the president this was published recently in the portland, ore, pflag newsletter: "has it been a while since you have attended a pflag meeting?. Pflag portland black chapter needs volunteers for smyrc mural january nd, at: am by amanda schurr ments.
Pflag northwest; pflag pendleton; pflag portland; transgender information; youth information on january th delease carter was walking home with friends in north portland when.
It seems we have two pflag chapter birthdays this month: pflag portland turns, and pflag orange county turns! am i missing anyone? if so, be sure to let me know. Pflag pendleton po box pendleton, or phone: (541) - pflag portland po box portland, or pflagpdx@ phone: (503) -7676.
Pflag portland oregon parents friends and y of gays and lesbians.
e the new gresham pflag chapter! we re beside ourselves with excitement - a new gresham pflag chapter has joined the pdx metro region y!.
Pflag-portland chapter pflag-salem chapter planned parenthood of the columbia willamette planned parenthood of southwestern oregon portland council pta..